Eye & Environment
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As you may know, indoor air pollutants and allergens can affect our eyes as well as other organs. Since the levels and types of air pollutants can vary from building to building, we are trying to understand how our short-term exposure to these pollutants affect dry eye symptoms across different buildings. To understand these effects, we are interviewing hundreds of individuals standing outside different buildings. The results of this study can help develop guidelines for managing exposure to indoor air pollutants. Your participation in the study is completely voluntary, and does not involve any form of incentive or compensation. You can withdraw from the study any time you feel uncomfortable. It will take about 2-3 minutes of your time to complete the study. Your information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside our team members. If you have any questions you can contact the University of Miami's HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH OFFICE (HSRO), at 305-243-3195 or Principal Investigator, Dr. Naresh Kumar, PhD by email nkumar@miami.edu or phone 305-243-4854 or Sarah Rock (sarah.rock@med.miami.edu) or Dr. Anat Galor (agalor@med.miami.edu)

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